Saturday, August 24, 2019

Develop a plan for Domestic Destination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Develop a plan for Domestic Destination - Essay Example Through participation the individual provide financial assistance and thus the local individuals are empowered. Additionally, the local community can attain direct financial benefit through conservation of the natural resources (Allen and Frank, 31). Through conservation the heritage and the beautiful environment is protected while the communities benefit from employment thereby achieving a sustainable development. This means that a preserved ecosystem will host tourist to come and witness beautiful planet and social climate (Chawla, 23). Through ecotourism individuals are able to understand the nature, local community and their culture. Medical tourism refers to a travel that tourist undertake to ensure that they can get medical treatment (Kulkarni, 20). The purpose of traveling is to attain and improve their health or fitness. Medical tourism has a long history that dates back thousands of years. For example, in Greece thousands patients were traveling so that they could receive healing from Asklepios in Epidauria . Asklepios was a god who used to heal individuals from any part of the country who had different problems and this was a reason why individuals would travel (Bookman and Karla, 31). In other countries people travel from other parts of country when they hear there is a place where their problem related to medical issues. For example people used to travel from other countries so that they would collect water that was assumed to be holy. For example the waters from the holy shrines have been used by many individuals who move from one country to another so that they will collect the holy water (Stolley and Stephanie, 54). This is a medical tourism since the tourists have one goal of being healed whenever they will visit such places. For the less developed countries, patients tend to seek medical assistance from developed

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